Sunday, October 28, 2007


There is view on the roof of Lab.-Building i am working in. The weather is perfect. You can feel the wind blowing, it's so fresh and balmy. A pigeon is soaring, my eyes follow it flying in the sky.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


真的好愛這張專輯, 有好幾次聽著聽著眼眶紅了。有一次拿著筆電到圖書館聽著林生祥的歌聲做投影片,興起之下上Youtube搜尋。找到交工樂隊在美濃黃蝶祭第一次公開發表這張專輯,在當林生祥的母親在"縣道一八四"的口白念完,我的眼淚就止不住的流。



另外一個令我讚賞不已的是郭進財的嗩吶,高音有如電吉他的風馳電掣令人寒毛直豎,閉上眼睛真的可以帶你飛上雲霄。Jimi Hendrix 彈吉他運用效果器做很多的音效變化,他說就像在作畫一樣一幅抽象迷幻用想像力才看得到的畫。樂評人說:『音樂創作上,企圖以聲音創造畫面動感;實地採集或再製環境音,如農村仙人的放送聲、鐵牛車聲、口哨聲,或是以嗩吶聲模仿摩托車的加速聲,索引出整張專輯的聲音脈絡。此外,無論是哀悼公路的祭文式朗詩,或是將菊花擬人化的歌詞創作圪,魔幻寫實的風格,譜寫出一部農村變遷史。』,嗩吶可以模仿一台老舊的125摩托車在公路上呼嘯,林生祥說他是"台灣第一支"!一點都不為過。

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Perpect weather for biking

I like biking alone since i have got my Mountain Bike from senior classmate in Lab. Chai Mountain(柴山) and Kaohsiung harbor is so beautiful. I am used start form Sun Yat-sen University then come by Martyrs' shrine, finally arrive at Shou Shan Zoo. One way would take 20 minutes. Usually I will biking backwards and forwards for exercise.

I was taking a rest in a bower , when i saw the peaceful view of harbor.The weather of autumn is more hospitable in Kaohsiung, it is good for biking.

Wii Are Family

My younger brother brought our family a Wii. My Parents was playing BOWLING, after we taught them how to play; This was the first time they played TV-Game. As you see, My father was very excited because of my mother always won. I am so happy and touching, when i see them enjoy the game.

備註:最近認識一些法國來的交換學生, 所已開始試著用英文寫Blog, 若發現任何錯誤請用留言告知, 不勝感激. If u found any mistake of my English, please tell me via comment. Thanks a lot.